Gut Memory

Gut Memory

Optimizing your gut microbiome can enhance memory and learning. (Psychology Today)

Gut Memory

Optimizing your gut microbiome can enhance memory and learning. (Psychology Today)

Powerful Brain

Powerful Brain

Your brain operates on just 12-25 watts of power, enough to light a small LED bulb. (Purple)

Powerful Brain

Your brain operates on just 12-25 watts of power, enough to light a small LED bulb. (Purple)

Flowers And Mistakes

Flowers And Mistakes

Studies have found that people are more productive and make fewer mistakes in environments with flowers & plants due to their calming effects and ability to reduce stress​. (

Flowers And Mistakes

Studies have found that people are more productive and make fewer mistakes in environments with flowers & plants due to their calming effects and ability to reduce stress​. (

Rollercoasters For Better Health

Rollercoasters For Better Health

Riding in the back of certain roller coasters could help pass kidney stones with a 64% success rate. (Michigan State University)

Rollercoasters For Better Health

Riding in the back of certain roller coasters could help pass kidney stones with a 64% success rate. (Michigan State University)

Fiber Power

Fiber Power

Eating a fiber-rich diet not only aids digestion but also supports a healthy gut microbiome. (Psychology Today)

Fiber Power

Eating a fiber-rich diet not only aids digestion but also supports a healthy gut microbiome. (Psychology Today)

Body Heated

Body Heated

Your body produces enough heat in 30 minutes to boil half a gallon of water. (Purple)

Body Heated

Your body produces enough heat in 30 minutes to boil half a gallon of water. (Purple)